
Data module - main class governing your data and wrapper for all other ConnectiviPy functions.

class, fs=1.0, chan_names=[], data_info='')[source]

Class governing the communication between data array and connectivity estimators.

data : numpy.array or str
  • array with data (kXNxR, k - channels nr, N - data points,
    R - nr of trials)
  • str - path to file with appropieate format
fs = 1: int
sampling frequency
chan_names = []: list
names of channels
data_info = ‘’: string
other information about the data

Selecting channels to plot or further analysis.

channels : list(int)
List of channel indices. If None all channels are taken into account.
filter(b, a)[source]

Filter each channel of data using forward-backward filter filtfilt from scipy.signal.

b, a : np.array
Numerator b / denominator a polynomials of the IIR filter.

Signal resampling to new sampling frequency new_fs using resample function from scipy.signal (basing on Fourier method).

fs_new : int
new sampling frequency
fit_mvar(p=None, method='yw')[source]

Fitting MVAR coefficients.

p = None : int
estimation order, default None
method = ‘yw’ : str {‘yw’, ‘ns’, ‘vm’}
method of MVAR parameters estimation all avaiable methods you can find in fitting_algorithms
conn(method, **params)[source]

Estimate connectivity pattern.

p = None : int
estimation order, default None
method : str
method of connectivity estimation all avaiable methods you can find in conn_estim_dc
short_time_conn(method, nfft=None, no=None, **params)[source]

Short-time connectivity.

method = ‘yw’ : str {‘yw’, ‘ns’, ‘vm’}
method of estimation all avaiable methods you can find in fitting_algorithms
nfft = None : int
number of data points in window; if None, it is signal length N/5.
no = None : int
number of data points in overlap; if None, it is signal length N/10.
other parameters for specific estimator
significance(Nrep=100, alpha=0.05, verbose=True, **params)[source]

Statistical significance values of connectivity estimation method.

Nrep = 100 : int
number of resamples
alpha = 0.05 : float
type I error rate (significance level)
verbose = True : bool
if True it prints dot on every realization
signi: numpy.array
matrix in shape of (k, k) with values for each pair of channels
short_time_significance(Nrep=100, alpha=0.05, nfft=None, no=None, verbose=True, **params)[source]

Statistical significance values of short-time version of connectivity estimation method.

Nrep = 100 : int
number of resamples
alpha = 0.05 : float
type I error rate (significance level)
nfft = None : int
number of data points in window; if None, it is taken from Data.short_time_conn() method.
no = None : int
number of data points in overlap; if None, it is taken from short_time_conn method.
verbose = True : bool
if True it prints dot on every realization
signi: numpy.array
matrix in shape of (k, k) with values for each pair of channels
plot_data(trial=0, show=True)[source]

Plot data in a subplot for each channel.

trial = 0 : int
if there is multichannel data it should be a number of trial you want to plot.
show = True : boolean
show the plot or not
plot_conn(name='', ylim=None, xlim=None, signi=True, show=True)[source]

Plot connectivity estimation results.

name = ‘’ : str
title of the plot
ylim = None : list
range of y-axis values shown, e.g. [0,1] None means that default values of given estimator are taken into account
xlim = None : list [from (int), to (int)]
range of y-axis values shown, if None it is from 0 to Nyquist frequency
signi = True : boolean
if significance levels are calculated they are shown in the plot
show = True : boolean
show the plot or not
plot_short_time_conn(name='', signi=True, percmax=1.0, show=True)[source]

Plot short-time version of estimation results.

name = ‘’ : str
title of the plot
signi = True : boolean
reset irrelevant values; it works only after short time significance calculation using short_time_significance
percmax = 1. : float (0,1)
percent of maximal value which is maximum on the color map
show = True : boolean
show the plot or not
export_trans3d(mod=0, filename='conntrans3d.dat', freq_band=[])[source]

Export connectivity data to trans3D data file in order to make 3D arrow plots. Args:

mod = 0 : int
0 - Data.conn() results 1 - Data.short_time_conn() results
filename = ‘conn_trnas3d.dat’ : str
title of the plot
freq_band = [] : list
frequency range [from_value, to_value] in Hz.
fill_nans(values, borders)[source]

Fill nans where values < borders (independent of frequency).

values : numpy.array
array of shape (time, freqs, channels, channels) to fill nans
borders : numpy.array
array of shape (time, channels, channels) with limes values
values_nans : numpy.array
array of shape (time, freq, channels, channels) with nans where values were less than appropieate value from borders

Returns mvar coefficients if calculated


Returns mvar coefficients if calculated

Data loading

Additonal function which enable other data formats loading


It returns data and dictionary from SignalML files.

file_name : str
must be the same for .xml and .raw files.
data: np.array
eeg data from raw file
xmlinfo : dict
dcitionary with keys: samplingFrequency, channelCount, firstSampleTimestamp, channelNames, calibrationCoef which means the same as in SML file

It returns dictionary from SignalML file.

path : str
SML file eg. ‘test.xml’
xml_data : dict
dcitionary with keys: samplingFrequency, channelCount, firstSampleTimestamp, channelNames, calibrationCoef which means the same as in SML file

Additional functions

Plot tools which are not depended on Data class

connectivipy.plot_conn(values, name='', fs=1, ylim=None, xlim=None, show=True)[source]

Plot connectivity estimation results. Allows to plot your results without using Data class.

values : numpy.array
connectivity estimation values in shape (fq, k, k) where fq - frequency, k - number of channels
name = ‘’ : str
title of the plot
fs = 1 : int
sampling frequency
ylim = None : list
range of y-axis values shown, e.g. [0,1] None means that default values of given estimator are taken into account
xlim = None : list [from (int), to (int)]
range of y-axis values shown, if None it is from 0 to Nyquist frequency
show = True : boolean
show the plot or not