Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#! /usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import absolute_import
import inspect
import warnings
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as si
import scipy.signal as ss
from .mvarmodel import Mvar
from .conn import *
from .load.loaders import signalml_loader
from six.moves import range

[docs]class Data(object): ''' Class governing the communication between data array and connectivity estimators. Args: *data* : numpy.array or str * array with data (kXNxR, k - channels nr, N - data points, R - nr of trials) * str - path to file with appropieate format *fs* = 1: int sampling frequency *chan_names* = []: list names of channels *data_info* = '': string other information about the data ''' def __init__(self, data, fs=1., chan_names=[], data_info=''): self.__fs = fs self.__data = self._load_file(data, data_info) self.__channames = ["x"+str(i) for i in range(self.__chans_number)] if self.__data.shape[0] == len(chan_names): self.__channames = chan_names self.__channames_original = self.__channames self.data_info = data_info self._parameters = {} self._parameters["mvar"] = False def _load_file(self, data_what, data_info): ''' Data loader. Args: *data_what* : str/numpy.array path to file with appropieate format or numpy data array *data_info* = '' : str additional file with data settings if needed Returns: *data* : np.array ''' dt_type = type(data_what) if dt_type == np.ndarray: data = data_what elif dt_type == str: dt_type = data_what.split('.')[-1] # catch file extension if dt_type == 'mat': mat_dict = si.loadmat(data_what) if data_info: key = data_info else: key = data_what[:-4].split('/')[-1] data = mat_dict[key] if dt_type == 'raw' and data_info == 'sml': data, sml = signalml_loader(data_what[:-4]) self.__fs = sml['samplingFrequency'] self.__channames = sml['channelNames'] self.smldict = sml # here SignalML data is stored else: return False if data.ndim > 2: self.__multitrial = data.shape[2] else: self.__multitrial = False # in original number of channels after loading is stored, # self.__chans_number can be modified self.__chans_number_original = self.__chans_number = data.shape[0] self._channels = np.arange(self.__chans_number) self.__length = data.shape[1] return data
[docs] def select_channels(self, channels=None): ''' Selecting channels to plot or further analysis. Args: *channels* : list(int) List of channel indices. If None all channels are taken into account. ''' if np.max(channels) >= self.__chans_number_original: raise ValueError("Indices are not correct") if channels is None: self._channels = np.arange(self.__chans_number_original) self.__chans_number = self.__chans_number_original self.__channames = self.__channames_original else: self._channels = channels self.__chans_number = len(channels) self.__channames = [i for e, i in enumerate(self.__channames_original) if e in channels]
[docs] def filter(self, b, a): ''' Filter each channel of data using forward-backward filter *filtfilt* from *scipy.signal*. Args: *b, a* : np.array Numerator *b* / denominator *a* polynomials of the IIR filter. ''' if self.__multitrial: for r in range(self.__multitrial): self.__data[:, :, r] = ss.filtfilt(b, a, self.__data) else: self.__data = ss.filtfilt(b, a, self.__data)
[docs] def resample(self, fs_new): ''' Signal resampling to new sampling frequency *new_fs* using *resample* function from *scipy.signal* (basing on Fourier method). Args: *fs_new* : int new sampling frequency ''' new_nr_samples = (self.__length*1./self.__fs)*fs_new self.__data = ss.resample(self.__data, new_nr_samples, axis=1) self.__fs = fs_new
[docs] def fit_mvar(self, p=None, method='yw'): ''' Fitting MVAR coefficients. Args: *p* = None : int estimation order, default None *method* = 'yw' : str {'yw', 'ns', 'vm'} method of MVAR parameters estimation all avaiable methods you can find in *fitting_algorithms* ''' self.__Ar, self.__Vr = Mvar().fit(self.__data, p, method) self._parameters["mvar"] = True self._parameters["p"] = p self._parameters["mvarmethod"] = method
[docs] def conn(self, method, **params): ''' Estimate connectivity pattern. Args: *p* = None : int estimation order, default None *method* : str method of connectivity estimation all avaiable methods you can find in *conn_estim_dc* ''' connobj = conn_estim_dc[method]() if isinstance(connobj, ConnectAR): self.__estim = connobj.calculate(self.__Ar, self.__Vr, self.__fs, **params) else: if not self.__multitrial: self.__estim = connobj.calculate(self.__data[self._channels, :], **params) else: for r in range(self.__multitrial): if r == 0: self.__estim = connobj.calculate(self.__data[self._channels, :, r], **params) continue self.__estim += connobj.calculate(self.__data[self._channels, :, r], **params) self.__estim = self.__estim/self.__multitrial self._parameters["method"] = method self._parameters["y_lim"] = connobj.values_range self._parameters.update(params) return self.__estim
[docs] def short_time_conn(self, method, nfft=None, no=None, **params): ''' Short-time connectivity. Args: *method* = 'yw' : str {'yw', 'ns', 'vm'} method of estimation all avaiable methods you can find in *fitting_algorithms* *nfft* = None : int number of data points in window; if None, it is signal length N/5. *no* = None : int number of data points in overlap; if None, it is signal length N/10. *params* other parameters for specific estimator ''' connobj = conn_estim_dc[method]() self._parameters.update(params) arg = inspect.getargspec(connobj.calculate) newparams = self.__make_params_dict(arg[0]) if "p" not in self._parameters: if "order" in params: self._parameters["p"] = params["order"] else: self._parameters["p"] = None if not nfft: nfft = int(self.__length/5) if not no: no = int(self.__length/10) if "resolution" not in self._parameters: self._parameters["resolution"] = 100 if isinstance(connobj, ConnectAR): self.__shtimest = connobj.short_time(self.__data[self._channels, :], nfft=nfft, no=no, fs=self.__fs, order=self._parameters["p"], resol=self._parameters["resolution"]) else: if self.__multitrial: for r in range(self.__multitrial): if r == 0: self.__shtimest = connobj.short_time(self.__data[self._channels, :, r], nfft=nfft, no=no, **newparams) continue self.__shtimest += connobj.short_time(self.__data[self._channels, :, r], nfft=nfft, no=no, **newparams) self.__shtimest /= self.__multitrial else: self.__shtimest = connobj.short_time(self.__data[self._channels, :], nfft=nfft, no=no, **newparams) self._parameters["shorttime"] = method self._parameters["nfft"] = nfft self._parameters["no"] = no return self.__shtimest
[docs] def significance(self, Nrep=100, alpha=0.05, verbose=True, **params): ''' Statistical significance values of connectivity estimation method. Args: *Nrep* = 100 : int number of resamples *alpha* = 0.05 : float type I error rate (significance level) *verbose* = True : bool if True it prints dot on every realization Returns: *signi*: numpy.array matrix in shape of (k, k) with values for each pair of channels ''' connobj = conn_estim_dc[self._parameters["method"]]() self._parameters.update(params) arg = inspect.getargspec(connobj.calculate) newparams = self.__make_params_dict(arg[0]) if not self.__multitrial: if isinstance(connobj, ConnectAR): self.__signific = connobj.surrogate(self.__data[self._channels, :], Nrep=Nrep, alpha=alpha, method=self._parameters["mvarmethod"], fs=self.__fs, order=self._parameters["p"], verbose=verbose, **newparams) else: self.__signific = connobj.surrogate(self.__data[self._channels, :], Nrep=Nrep, alpha=alpha, verbose=verbose, **newparams) else: if isinstance(connobj, ConnectAR): self.__signific = connobj.bootstrap(self.__data[self._channels, :, :], Nrep=Nrep, alpha=alpha, method=self._parameters["mvarmethod"], fs=self.__fs, order=self._parameters["p"], verbose=verbose, **newparams) else: self.__signific = connobj.bootstrap(self.__data[self._channels, :, :], Nrep=Nrep, alpha=alpha, verbose=verbose, **newparams) return self.__signific
[docs] def short_time_significance(self, Nrep=100, alpha=0.05, nfft=None, no=None, verbose=True, **params): ''' Statistical significance values of short-time version of connectivity estimation method. Args: *Nrep* = 100 : int number of resamples *alpha* = 0.05 : float type I error rate (significance level) *nfft* = None : int number of data points in window; if None, it is taken from :func:`Data.short_time_conn` method. *no* = None : int number of data points in overlap; if None, it is taken from *short_time_conn* method. *verbose* = True : bool if True it prints dot on every realization Returns: *signi*: numpy.array matrix in shape of (k, k) with values for each pair of channels ''' if not nfft: nfft = self._parameters["nfft"] if not no: no = self._parameters["no"] connobj = conn_estim_dc[self._parameters["shorttime"]]() self._parameters.update(params) arg = inspect.getargspec(connobj.calculate) newparams = self.__make_params_dict(arg[0]) if self.__multitrial: temp_dat = self.__data[self._channels, :, :] else: temp_dat = self.__data[self._channels, :] if isinstance(connobj, ConnectAR): self.__st_signific = connobj.short_time_significance(temp_dat, Nrep=Nrep, alpha=alpha, method=self._parameters["mvarmethod"], fs=self.__fs, order=self._parameters["p"], nfft=nfft, no=no, verbose=verbose, **newparams) else: self.__st_signific = connobj.short_time_significance(temp_dat, Nrep=Nrep, nfft=nfft, no=no, alpha=alpha, verbose=verbose, **newparams) return self.__st_signific
[docs] def plot_data(self, trial=0, show=True): ''' Plot data in a subplot for each channel. Args: *trial* = 0 : int if there is multichannel data it should be a number of trial you want to plot. *show* = True : boolean show the plot or not ''' time = np.arange(0, self.__length)*1./self.__fs if self.__multitrial: plotdata = self.__data[self._channels, :, trial] else: plotdata = self.__data[self._channels, :] if self.__chans_number>10: warnings.warn("""Number of channels > 10. Consider picking only some channels.""", Warning) fig, axes = plt.subplots(self.__chans_number, 1) for i in np.arange(self.__chans_number): axes[i].plot(time, plotdata[i, :], 'g') if self.__channames: axes[i].set_title(self.__channames[i]) if show:
[docs] def plot_conn(self, name='', ylim=None, xlim=None, signi=True, show=True): ''' Plot connectivity estimation results. Args: *name* = '' : str title of the plot *ylim* = None : list range of y-axis values shown, e.g. [0,1] *None* means that default values of given estimator are taken into account *xlim* = None : list [from (int), to (int)] range of y-axis values shown, if None it is from 0 to Nyquist frequency *signi* = True : boolean if significance levels are calculated they are shown in the plot *show* = True : boolean show the plot or not ''' assert hasattr(self, '_Data__estim') is True, "No valid data!, Use calculation method first." fig, axes = plt.subplots(self.__chans_number, self.__chans_number) freqs = np.linspace(0, self.__fs//2, self.__estim.shape[0]) if not xlim: xlim = [0, np.max(freqs)] if not ylim: ylim = self._parameters["y_lim"] if ylim[0] is None: ylim[0] = np.min(self.__estim) if ylim[1] is None: ylim[1] = np.max(self.__estim) two_sides = False if signi and hasattr(self, '_Data__signific'): flag_sig = True if self.__signific.ndim > 2: two_sides = True else: flag_sig = False # selecting right channels if self.__estim.shape[-1] != self.__chans_number: estim = self.__estim[:, [[c] for c in self._channels], self._channels] if two_sides: signific = self.__signific[:, [[c] for c in self._channels], self._channels] else: signific = self.__signific[[[c] for c in self._channels], self._channels] else: estim = self.__estim signific = self.__signific # plotting loop for i in np.arange(self.__chans_number): for j in np.arange(self.__chans_number): if self.__channames and i == 0: axes[i, j].set_title(self.__channames[j]+" >", fontsize=12) if self.__channames and j == 0: axes[i, j].set_ylabel(self.__channames[i]) axes[i, j].fill_between(freqs, estim[:, i, j], 0) if flag_sig: if two_sides: l_u = axes[i, j].axhline(y=signific[0, i, j], color='r') l_d = axes[i, j].axhline(y=signific[1, i, j], color='r') else: l = axes[i, j].axhline(y=signific[i, j], color='r') axes[i, j].set_xlim(xlim) axes[i, j].set_ylim(ylim) if i != self.__chans_number-1: axes[i, j].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) if j != 0: axes[i, j].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.suptitle(name, y=0.98) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) if show:
[docs] def plot_short_time_conn(self, name='', signi=True, percmax=1., show=True): ''' Plot short-time version of estimation results. Args: *name* = '' : str title of the plot *signi* = True : boolean reset irrelevant values; it works only after short time significance calculation using *short_time_significance* *percmax* = 1. : float (0,1) percent of maximal value which is maximum on the color map *show* = True : boolean show the plot or not ''' assert hasattr(self, '_Data__shtimest') == True, "No valid data! Use calculation method first." shtvalues = self.__shtimest # selecting right channels flag_channels_changed = False if shtvalues.shape[-1] != self.__chans_number: shtvalues = shtvalues[:, :, [[c] for c in self._channels], self._channels] flag_channels_changed = True # masking values if unsignificant if signi and hasattr(self, '_Data__st_signific'): if self.__st_signific.ndim > 3: if flag_channels_changed: shtvalues = self.fill_nans(shtvalues, self.__st_signific[:, 0, self._channels, self._channels]) shtvalues = self.fill_nans(shtvalues, self.__st_signific[:, 1, self._channels, self._channels]) else: shtvalues = self.fill_nans(shtvalues, self.__st_signific[:, 0, :, :]) shtvalues = self.fill_nans(shtvalues, self.__st_signific[:, 1, :, :]) else: if flag_channels_changed: shtvalues = self.fill_nans(shtvalues, self.__st_signific[:, self._channels, self._channels]) else: shtvalues = self.fill_nans(shtvalues, self.__st_signific) fig, axes = plt.subplots(self.__chans_number, self.__chans_number) # currently not used: # freqs = np.linspace(0, self.__fs//2, 4) # time = np.linspace(0, self.__length/self.__fs, 5) # ticks_time = [0, self.__fs//2] # ticks_freqs = [0, self.__length//self.__fs] # mask diagonal values to not contaminate the plot mask = np.zeros(shtvalues.shape) for i in range(self.__chans_number): mask[:, :, i, i] = 1 masked_shtimest =, mask=mask) dtmax = np.nanmax(masked_shtimest)*percmax dtmin = np.nanmin(masked_shtimest) cmap = plt.get_cmap('rainbow') cmap.set_bad(color='w', alpha=1) for i in np.arange(self.__chans_number): for j in np.arange(self.__chans_number): if self.__channames and i == 0: axes[i, j].set_title(self.__channames[j]+" >", fontsize=12) if self.__channames and j == 0: if i == self.__chans_number//2: axes[i, j].set_ylabel("f [Hz]\n" + self.__channames[i]) else: axes[i, j].set_ylabel(self.__channames[i]) elif j == 0 and i == self.__chans_number//2: axes[i, j].set_ylabel("f [Hz]") img = axes[i, j].imshow(shtvalues[:, :, i, j].T, cmap=cmap, aspect='auto', extent=[0, self.__length/self.__fs, 0, self.__fs//2], interpolation='none', origin='lower', vmin=dtmin, vmax=dtmax) if i != self.__chans_number-1: axes[i, j].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) else: labels = axes[i, j].get_xticklabels() for label in labels[::2]: label.set_visible(False) if j == self.__chans_number//2: axes[i, j].set_xlabel("time [s]") if j != 0: axes[i, j].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) else: labels = axes[i, j].get_yticklabels() for label in labels[::2]: label.set_visible(False) # xt = np.array(axes[i, j].get_xticks())/self.__fs plt.suptitle(name, y=0.98) plt.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.92, right=0.91, wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05) axes cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.93, 0.1, 0.02, 0.7]) cbar_ax.tick_params(labelsize=10) fig.colorbar(img, cax=cbar_ax) if show:
[docs] def export_trans3d(self, mod=0, filename='conntrans3d.dat', freq_band=[]): ''' Export connectivity data to trans3D data file in order to make 3D arrow plots. Args: *mod* = 0 : int 0 - :func:`Data.conn` results 1 - :func:`Data.short_time_conn` results *filename* = 'conn_trnas3d.dat' : str title of the plot *freq_band* = [] : list frequency range [from_value, to_value] in Hz. ''' content = ";electrodes = " + " ".join(self.__channames) content += "\r\n;start = -0.500000\r\n" content += ";samplerate = 12\r\n" # two following lines define initial position of head model content += ";transform_default = 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -8 0 0 0 1\r\n" content += ";transform = 0.005148315144289768 0.007407087180879943 -3.4522594293647604 0.0 -2.727691946877633 2.116098522619611 0.000472475639 0.0 2.1160923126171305 2.7276819307525173 0.009008154977586572 -8.0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000\r\n" content += "\r\n" # integrate value of estimator in given frequency band freqs = np.linspace(0, int(self.__fs/2), self.__estim.shape[0]) if len(freq_band) == 0: ind1 = 0 ind2 = len(freqs) else: ind1 = np.where(freqs >= freq_band[0])[0][0] ind2 = np.where(freqs >= freq_band[1])[0][0] if mod == 0: assert hasattr(self, '_Data__estim') is True, "No valid data! Use calculation method first." cnest = np.mean(self.__estim[ind1:ind2, :, :], axis=0) for i in range(self.__chans_number): content += " " + " ".join(['{:.4f}'.format(x) for x in cnest[i]]) + "\r\n" elif mod == 1: assert hasattr(self, '_Data__shtimest') is True, "No valid data! Use calculation method first." for k in range(self.__shtimest.shape[0]): cnest = np.mean(self.__shtimest[k, ind1:ind2, :, :], axis=0) for i in range(self.__chans_number): content += " " + " ".join(['{:.4f}'.format(x) for x in cnest[i]]) + "\r\n" content += "\r\n" with open(filename, 'wb') as fl: fl.write(content)
# auxiliary methods: def __make_params_dict(self, args): """ Making list of parameters from *self._parameters* Args: *args* : list list with parameters of *calculate* method of specific estimator Returns: *newparams* : dict dictionary with new parameters """ newparams = {} for ag in args[1:]: if ag in ['data']: continue if ag in self._parameters: newparams[ag] = self._parameters[ag] return newparams
[docs] def fill_nans(self, values, borders): ''' Fill nans where *values* < *borders* (independent of frequency). Args: *values* : numpy.array array of shape (time, freqs, channels, channels) to fill nans *borders* : numpy.array array of shape (time, channels, channels) with limes values Returns: *values_nans* : numpy.array array of shape (time, freq, channels, channels) with nans where values were less than appropieate value from *borders* ''' tm, fr, k, k = values.shape for i in range(fr): values[:, i, :, :][values[:, i, :, :] < borders] = np.nan return values
# accessors: @property def mvar_coefficients(self): "Returns mvar coefficients if calculated" if hasattr(self, '_Data__Ar') and hasattr(self, '_Data__Vr'): return (self.__Ar, self.__Vr) else: return (None, None) @property def mvarcoef(self): "Returns mvar coefficients if calculated" return self.mvar_coefficients @property def data(self): return self.__data[self._channels] @property def fs(self): return self.__fs @property def srate(self): return self.__fs @property def channelnames(self): return self.__channames @property def channels(self): return self._channels @property def channelsnr(self): return self.__chans_number