Source code for connectivipy.plot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#! /usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from six.moves import range

# plain plotting from values
[docs]def plot_conn(values, name='', fs=1, ylim=None, xlim=None, show=True): ''' Plot connectivity estimation results. Allows to plot your results without using *Data* class. Args: *values* : numpy.array connectivity estimation values in shape (fq, k, k) where fq - frequency, k - number of channels *name* = '' : str title of the plot *fs* = 1 : int sampling frequency *ylim* = None : list range of y-axis values shown, e.g. [0,1] *None* means that default values of given estimator are taken into account *xlim* = None : list [from (int), to (int)] range of y-axis values shown, if None it is from 0 to Nyquist frequency *show* = True : boolean show the plot or not ''' fq, k, k = values.shape fig, axes = plt.subplots(k, k) freqs = np.linspace(0, fs//2, fq) if not xlim: xlim = [0, np.max(freqs)] if not ylim: ylim = [np.min(values), np.max(values)] for i in range(k): for j in range(k): axes[i, j].fill_between(freqs, values[:, i, j], 0) axes[i, j].set_xlim(xlim) axes[i, j].set_ylim(ylim) plt.suptitle(name, y=0.98) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.92) if show: